Your family is growing, how are you growing your family?

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Welcome to Trellis

Hi, I’m Brian Kim, Founder of Trellis Family Coaching. I’ve been married to my wonderful wife Ruthie since 2006, and we are raising our two boys here in San Francisco.

I am deeply passionate about nurturing family relationships, firmly believing that strong families play a pivotal role in creating stable and life-giving communities.

After several years of serving on staff with Reality Church SF as part of the Marriage and Family Team, I decided to complete a Masters in Counseling at seminary. As a therapist, I have the honor of working with individuals, couples, and families, to foster robust and flourishing relationships.

Trellis Family Coaching is an expression of this same passion, aiming to help individuals and families experience a deeper level of relational well-being. I am committed to supporting individuals in uncovering their own personal relational health, and collaborating with their immediate family to strengthen these vital connections.

Whether you are preparing to date, currently dating, engaged, married or navigating the journey of parenting, let’s work together to increase your capacity for trust, confidence and joy in your relationships.

“As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well.”

— Dan Siegel


Ready for the first step?